Sunday, October 31, 2010

The 10 biggest American cities, running out of water: 24/7 Wall Street

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The 10 Biggest American Cities That Are Running Out Of Water: 24/7 Wall Street HPFB.init();
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First Posted: 10-31-10 11:36 AM   |   Updated: 10-31-10 11:41 AM

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24/7 Wall St.:

24/7 Wall St. looked at an October, 2010 report on water risk by environmental research and sustainability group, Ceres. We also considered a comprehensive July, 2010 report from the National Resources Defense Council which mapped areas at high risk of water shortage conflict. 24/7 Wall St also did its own analysis of water supply and consumption in America's largest cities, and focused on the thirty largest metropolitan areas. One goal was to identify potential conflicts in regions which might have disputed rights over large supplies of water and the battles that could arise from these disputes. And, 24/7 Wall St. examined geographic areas which have already been plagued by drought and water shortages off and on.

The analysis allowed us to choose ten cities which are likely to face severe shortages in the relatively near-term future. Some of these are likely to be obvious to the reader. The area around Los Angeles was once too dry to sustain the population of a huge city. But, infrastructure was built that allowed water to be pumped in from east of the region. Las Vegas had similar problems. It was part of a great desert until Lake Meade was created by the Hoover dam built on the Colorado river.

Read the whole story: 24/7 Wall St.

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24/7 Wall St. looked at an October, 2010 report on water risk by environmental research and sustainability group, Ceres. We also considered a comprehensive July, 2010 report from the National Resource...24/7 Wall St. looked at an October, 2010 report on water risk by environmental research and sustainability group, Ceres. We also considered a comprehensive July, 2010 report from the National Resource... Related News On Huffington Post:  
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Wars have been fought over water. Now would be a good time for the Government to invest into infastructor, creat jobs, like the hoover dam project.
But it won't happen the GOP just won't allow it, the people be damned Joseph_Joyal: What new??? water has been and issue for years, Atlanta Permalink  | Share it verycold   11 minutes ago (12:43 PM) 88 Fans NOBODY should be watering their yards today unless that water is recycled. I agree with those below that gray water needs to be a much bigger part of the solution.

I can tell you this from first hand experience. I live where the soil is almost like beach sand. I have about 10 acres of just lawn and pastures for the horses. When I first moved here to the farm, I tried watering the grass when the water from the heavens stopped coming. That was a HUGE mistake. That brings the roots up closer to the surface and stresses the grass even more. I lost a lot of lawn. As it would turn out, we went into a drought which lasted until this year. So it has been about 10 years for us. During that time the spring rains came a bit and the grass returned. I let it go dormant if the rains stopped and rotated the pastures to keep them from getting tamped down. I also started spreading manure on the fields, and yard to get that nitrogen back in and get the grass going again when the rains came. I also stopped mowing close.

Today our pastures are healthy, our lawn is gorgeous and we have NOT watered in many years. My advice is to grow native plants, allow the grass to get deep roots, and stop mowing too short.

NO WATERING GRASS. Turn the sprinklers off. verycold: NOBODY should be watering their yards today unless that water Permalink  | Share it sheila   26 minutes ago (12:28 PM) 199 Fans So instead of encouraging US to put solar panels on our baking sprawling roofs in these areas, our idiot legislatures and the Big Enviros are shoving DESERT THERMO-ELECTRIC SOLAR WITH MASSIVE MIRROR RINSING down our throats. This is completely insane! Thermo-electric power production currently wastes a full 49% of the water used in this country. That's the same amount as ALL industrial, agricultural and residential uses combined.

PV in the built environment rarely needs rinsing and wastes no water in cooling or operations, but CSP mirrors will need daily rinsing because the Big Solar companies scrape several square miles of desert for each project so the soil crust and plants are all destroyed, and there will be huge huge dust problems.

WE need greywater systems and water catchment on every structure in these 10 areas, along with rooftop PV, which will produce far more power than desert solar and do it far cheaper - plus WE will own the power! That's why they are not letting us have it - we need to fight!

NO NEW THERMO-ELECTRIC POWER, NO REMOTE DESERT POWER! POINT OF USE SOLUTIONS WITHIN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT! sheila: So instead of encouraging US to put solar panels on Permalink  | Share it photo supportamerica   42 minutes ago (12:12 PM) 132 Fans I live in a rural area of Texas, I put in a recyclable septic system, to use the grey water to water my yard and plants, comes out through a set of sprinklers. That way I am not using fresh water and wasting it. It is not harmful to pets or plants and my yard is green year round. supportamerica: I live in a rural area of Texas, I put Permalink  | Share it photo nitrokitty   28 minutes ago (12:26 PM) 97 Fans Nice. As a Texan, I always cringe when I see these big McMansions with their sprinklers going all the time, most of it into the street. With global warming on the rise, we're going to see more and more drought years in the future, and water rights are going to be more and more important. nitrokitty: Nice. As a Texan, I always cringe when I see Permalink  | Share it     New comments on this entry — Click to refreshspinnerLoading comments… Loading twitter module... Most Popular on HuffPostDQ49pkfzbuOXSy3SN6%2BYgNokSjZLW6SJO5RX018xCisoL%2FiLFuOlRI1EQ5Pw82Y6YU%2FH16VtkNRhCK7By7J6wQ%3D%3DNcGnKsQ5u2rIf2Z9%2B9uvbdW686HOo1N4ffbPWEm30M8oCM91HFo4VFDf89evHLqzkfr%2ByOT7rmBcbn3ChLcbIA%3D%3D1 of 2 Charlie Sheen Nword Nude Naked Charlie Sheen Found Nude In Restaurant, Screaming N-Word:...
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