Sunday, October 31, 2010

Michael Steele: even if we short in the House is a success

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Michael Steele: Even If We Fall Short In The House It's A Success HPFB.init();
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Posted: 10-31-10 11:22 AM

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RNC Chairman Michael Steele said on Sunday that Republicans would claim a successful election in November even if it resulted in them not taking control of the House of Representatives.

"First off we need 39," Steele told CNN's State of the Union. "If we get 39 seats and take the majority that's success. If we get 37 seats that's success. Keep in mind, I mean we've got to keep this thing in context here. We were a party out of power. We were a party that on the covers of magazines around this country were called an endangered species. We were going to be regionalized, marginalized to the lower, you know, portions of the political spectrum. We have battled our way back here, so to have the kind of night that we're anticipating on Tuesday is not just a blessing but it comes from the hard work of our candidates out there engaging with the people."

In a purely numerical sense, Steele is right. A switch of 37 seats, even in a mid-term election, would be historically vast. But the context is different this cycle. For starters, the 2010 elections will, for better or worse, be compared with the 1994 results, when there was a 54-seat swing in membership from Democrats to Republicans in the House. Secondly, the GOP has raised expectations for pickups well beyond 37. Talk has, for weeks, circled around the idea of 50, 60 or even 70 pickups. At one time, it was reported that 99 seats were in play.

The GOP may be unable to meet those expectations, but they were the ones who set them. And while Steele may be trying to change the narrative, so long as the GOP has a net gain of 39 seats in the House, and with it gains control of the chamber, the party will claim success on November 2.

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It's the same meme they used for eight years during Der Pretzeldent's Reign of Incompetence. Budokan: RepubliKan mantra: "Even if we fail we succeed." It's the Permalink  | Share it iamstymie   1 minute ago (1:11 PM) 4 Fans What a tool! iamstymie: What a tool! Permalink  | Share it photo HUFFPOST SUPER USER YMBM   1 minute ago (1:11 PM) 93 Fans Follow No he is switching position! I Guess he is not to certain of a Win now! YMBM: No he is switching position! I Guess he is not Permalink  | Share it photo HUFFPOST PUNDIT scjk67   1 minute ago (1:11 PM) 1039 Fans Follow Something tells me that the GOP are getting fidgety now because they know they will not get the "overwhelming" majority in the House as they predicted. There's going to be a mass of voters coming out on Nov. 2nd and they are the Dems and Independents who leans towards Dems and already know that moderate repubs will not vote for the Tea Party candidates. scjk67: Something tells me that the GOP are getting fidgety now Permalink  | Share it photo Aquest   1 minute ago (1:11 PM) 130 Fans Steele lowers his expectations of what? - his ability to lead, the probability of him making a truthful statement, that he won't be at a bondage club election night? Aquest: Steele lowers his expectations of what? - his ability to Permalink  | Share it photo HUFFPOST PUNDIT SonicUltimate   3 minutes ago (1:09 PM) 136 Fans Regression to the mean is the standard for success in the GOP. Sad. SonicUltimate: Regression to the mean is the standard for success in Permalink  | Share it photo HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR SkelDaddy   0 minute ago (1:12 PM) 657 Fans F&F for regression to the mean. I hated stats with a passion, but it's good to know that there are people who understand them SkelDaddy: F&F for regression to the mean. I hated stats with Permalink  | Share it photo Totto   3 minutes ago (1:09 PM) 1001 Fans All the more reason to VOTE! Totto: All the more reason to VOTE! Permalink  | Share it photo mollypot   4 minutes ago (1:09 PM) 48 Fans More 'Pants on fire' from Steele; "We were going to be regionalized, marginalized to the lower, you know, portions of the political spectrum."

Are you kidding me with this? The GOP's primary job these past few years has been to marginalize EVERYTHING that would benefit this country. You are the proud party of NO.

Please ... mollypot: More 'Pants on fire' from Steele; "We were going to Permalink  | Share it Moxo   4 minutes ago (1:08 PM) 145 Fans So the GOP firmly believes that even though their quasi-scientific theory of Voodoo Economics can never work, it is still a success, because it is THEIR quasi-scientific theory? Moxo: So the GOP firmly believes that even though their quasi-scientific Permalink  | Share it photo Carolyn Paul   5 minutes ago (1:07 PM) 7 Fans Nothing I would like more than to see the voters proving him wrong. I hope in the next day or so, independents see the horrible dangers that lurk ahead if the republiCANTs win. Carolyn_Paul: Nothing I would like more than to see the voters Permalink  | Share it photo Cookie100   5 minutes ago (1:08 PM) 1157 Fans exactly, fanning you for the truth. Fingers crossed kids Cookie100: exactly, fanning you for the truth. Fingers crossed kids Permalink  | Share it photo Rashaverak   6 minutes ago (1:06 PM) 128 Fans If the GOP wins, America loses. Rashaverak: If the GOP wins, America loses. Permalink  | Share it photo HUFFPOST PUNDIT iconoclast6   6 minutes ago (1:06 PM) 1172 Fans Oh come on MAWDS, it was a Star Wars reference!

Damage control already, Mikey?

You s?rve your m?ster are sure to be rewarded... iconoclast6: Oh come on MAWDS, it was a Star Wars reference! Permalink  | Share it photo HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR SkelDaddy   5 minutes ago (1:07 PM) 657 Fans You f00l!!! He's using an old Jedi mind trick!!!" SkelDaddy: You f00l!!! He's using an old Jedi mind trick!!!" Permalink  | Share it photo HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR SkelDaddy   6 minutes ago (1:06 PM) 657 Fans Goalpost moving on a Sunday when the NFL is playing? That seems unamerican, yet thoroughly in keeping with Republican ideals. SkelDaddy: Goalpost moving on a Sunday when the NFL is playing? Permalink  | Share it photo Cookie100   4 minutes ago (1:08 PM) 1157 Fans f & f Cookie100: f & f Permalink  | Share it photo HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR SkelDaddy   2 minutes ago (1:11 PM) 657 Fans backatcha SkelDaddy: backatcha Permalink  | Share it     Page: 1 2 3 4 5 Next › Last »  (11 total) New comments on this entry — Click to refreshspinnerLoading comments… Loading twitter module... Most Popular on HuffPostDQ49pkfzbuOXSy3SN6%2BYgNokSjZLW6SJO5RX018xCisoL%2FiLFuOlRI1EQ5Pw82Y6YU%2FH16VtkNRhCK7By7J6wQ%3D%3DNcGnKsQ5u2rIf2Z9%2B9uvbdW686HOo1N4ffbPWEm30M8oCM91HFo4VFDf89evHLqzkfr%2ByOT7rmBcbn3ChLcbIA%3D%3D1 of 2 Charlie Sheen Nword Nude Naked Charlie Sheen Found Nude In Restaurant, Screaming N-Word:...
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