Thursday, November 4, 2010

Chamber’s Money Well Spent: 63 Percent of Races Won; 20 Incumbent Democrats Defeated

Chamber’s Money Well Spent: 63 Percent of Races Won; 20 Incumbent Democrats Defeated: "

Our guest blogger is Tony Carrk, policy director of Progressive Media at the Center for American Progress Action Fund.

For months, Think Progress has been chronicling the “U.S.” Chamber of Commerce’s $75 million campaign to put its interests over working- and middle-class families. It uses its substantial war chest to protect companies that outsource, oppose health reform, oppose Wall Street reform, and oppose clean energy. The Chamber will not disclose who is financing this campaign, fearing a public backlash. But we know the results: The 112th Congress will have more members to protect its pro-outsourcing, anti-middle class agenda.

So far, the Chamber’s spending contributed to the defeat of 20 incumbent Democrats. In all, the Chamber spent $31.8 million on ads or independent expenditures in 62 races. Six of those races are too close to call as of this afternoon. Of the remaining 57, the Chamber’s candidate won 36 of them — or 63 percent. The cost of those 36 wins: nearly $17 million.

Here is a list of races the Chamber won:

RaceTotalChamber PositionChamber Win/Lose?
New York’s 24th district $25,712 Oppose Arcuri (D)*Win
Ohio’s 18th district$45,415 Oppose Space (D)*Win
Georgia’s 12th district $78,558 Support Barrow (D)Win
Wisconsin’s 8th district $89,418 Oppose Kagen (D)*Win
Florida’s 25th district $99,310 Oppose Garcia (D)Win
Illinois’s 14th district $99,952 Oppose Foster (D)*Win
Oklahoma’s 2nd district $135,799 Supporting Boren (D)Win
Pennsylvania’s 7th district $146,680 Oppose Lentz (D)Win
New Hampshire’s 1st district $148,640 Oppose Shea-Porter (D)*Win
New Hampshire’s 2nd district $149,380 Oppose Kuster (D)Win
Washington’s 3rd district $149,540 Oppose Dennis Heck (D)Win
Pennsylvania’s 8th district $170,000 Oppose P. Murphy (D)*Win
Kansas’s 3rd district $172,864 Oppose Moore (D)Win
Utah’s 2nd district $180,308 Support J. Matheson (D)Win
New York’s 19th district $192,206 Oppose Hall (D)*Win
Arkansas’s 4th district $223,148 Support Ross (D)Win
New Mexico’s 2nd district $239,739 Oppose Teague (D)*Win
Pennsylvania’s 3rd district $248,500 Oppose Dahlkemper (D)*Win
Colorado’s 4th district $250,000 Oppose B. Markey (D)*Win
Indiana Senate $250,000 Oppose Ellsworth (D)**Win
Florida’s 24th district $250,000 Oppose Kosmas (D)*Win
Ohio’s 15th district $261,735 Oppose Kilroy (D)*Win
Wisconsin’s 7th district $266,593 Oppose Lassa (D)Win
North Dakota’s 1st district $273,525 Oppose Pomeroy (D)*Win
Illinois’s 11th district $300,000 Oppose Halvorson (D)*Win
Pennsylvania’s 10th district $398,365 Oppose Carney (D)*Win
Ohio’s 16th district $421,315 Oppose Boccieri (D)*Win
Virginia’s 5th district $442,765 Oppose Perriello (D)*Win
Nevada’s 3rd district $449,850 Oppose Titus (D)*Win
Wisconsin Senate $748,300 Oppose Feingold (D)*Win
Missouri Senate $1,110,461 Oppose Carnahan (D)Win
Kentucky Senate $1,254,010 Oppose Conway (D)Win
Illinois Senate $1,682,856 Oppose Giannoulis (D)Win
Pennsylvania Senate $1,692,056 Oppose Sestak (D)**Win
Florida Senate $2,000,000 Oppose Crist (I)Win
New Hampshire Senate $2,324,730 Oppose Hodes (D)*Win

* – Incumbent

** – Running for Senate

On the flip side, the Chamber spent $11.4 million on races it lost. However, that figure is deceptive since nearly $5 million of that amount went to unsuccessfully defeat Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA).


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