Monday, November 1, 2010

Federal Reserve, Bernanke's credibility online with new move to increase the economy

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Federal Reserve's, Bernanke's Credibility On Line With New Move To Boost Economy HPFB.init();
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Posted: 11- 1-10 01:28 AM

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Read More:Bernanke, Economic Crisis, Economic Recovery, Economy, Fed, Federal Reserve, Joblessness, Monetary Policy, Unemployment, Business News BernankeFederal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke speaks at the grand opening ceremony for the Junior Achievement Finance Park in Fairfax, Va., Tuesday, Oct. 19, 2010. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) Get Business AlertsEmailComments24

Washington Post:

If the efforts succeed, they could finally help bring down the stubbornly high jobless rate.

But should the Fed overshoot in its plan to pump hundreds of billions of dollars into the economy, it could produce the same kind of bubbles in the housing and stock markets that caused the slowdown. Or the efforts could fall short and fail to energize the economy, leaving a clear impression that the mighty Fed is out of bullets - thus adding even more anxiety to an already dire situation.

Read the whole story: Washington Post

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UnemploymentFinancial CrisisThe FedEconomyIf the efforts succeed, they could finally help bring down the stubbornly high jobless rate.But should the Fed overshoot in its plan to pump hundreds of billions of dollars into the economy, it coul...If the efforts succeed, they could finally help bring down the stubbornly high jobless rate.But should the Fed overshoot in its plan to pump hundreds of billions of dollars into the economy, it coul... #bing_module { width:580px;}#bing_content {}.sw_b {background:#FFFFFF none repeat scroll 0 0;border:1px solid #ACBABD;float:left;font-size:115.9%;margin:0 1px 0 0;padding:0.2em 0.2em 1em;white-space:nowrap;}.sw_b input.bing_pixie{cursor:pointer;}.sw_b input {border:0 none;color:#333333;float:left;font-size:100%;font-weight: 400;font-family: Sans Serif, Segoe, Arial, Helvetica;height:1.4em;line-height:1.2em;margin:0 0 -0.8em;padding:0.2em 0.64em 0 0.44em;width:27.0333em;}.sw_b .sw_qbtn {background:#F9761D url( repeat scroll 0 0;cursor:pointer;height:24px;margin:0 0 -12px;overflow:hidden;padding:24px 0 0;width:24px;}.bingHeader {width: 576px; height:50px; float: left; background: black;}.bingItem,.bingItemActive, .bingItem a,.bingItemActive a{float:left;width: 191px;height: 33px;border-top: 1px solid #B8B8B8;border-bottom: 1px solid #B8B8B8;background: url('') repeat-x;background-position: 0pt -674pt;cursor: pointer; text-align: center;text-decoration: none !important;line-height: 33px;color: black;font-size: 14px;}.bingItemActive {width: 190px;border-top: 1px solid #B8B8B8;border-bottom: 1px solid #B8B8B8;color: white!important;background: url('') repeat-x;background-position: 0pt -477pt;}.bing_search_keyword {color: black;padding: 5px;}.videoItem {float: left;width: 174px; } .viRightMargin {margin-right: 27px;}.itemsBlock {width: 545px;float: left;}.textItem {float: left;width: 94%;}.bntNext {float: left;width: 5%;}.bingImage {height: 120px;}.webTitle {width: 520px;font-size: 16px;text-decoration: underline;color: #0033cc;}.webDescription {width: 520px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 20px;text-align: justify;}.webUrl {padding: 10px;color: #888;} Videos Web Images Loading... Loading... TOP LINKS FROM TWITTER 1 of 5

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Bernanke, along with geithner, paulsen, and kashkari should be indicted for fraud, perjury, (lying to congress) and collusion in domestic and international economic terrorism...


http://www­.femuscle.­org/CoolSt­uff/fedrap­e.jpg dtmfman: CREDIBILITY?...WHAT CREDIBILITY? Bernanke, along with geithner, paulsen, and kashkari should Permalink  | Share it belogical2010   31 minutes ago (5:43 AM) 55 Fans The QE2 the Fed is about to embark on has nothing to do with the real economy. It is another bank bailout. First one TARP(most paid back), second one 1.3 trillion of MBS purchased by Fed at par or maybe better who knows(given fraud on the mortgages may be worth zero who knows) and now QE2 another trillion of purchases of who knows what.
We will pay with higher energy and food prices and a declining standard of living, oh well at least we will have the banks
The FED must be audited, the are not elected by the people and there must be some level of accountability belogical2010: The QE2 the Fed is about to embark on has Permalink  | Share it photo HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR mrcontinental   2 hours ago (4:24 AM) 88 Fans It is the FEDs mission to completely destroy the american economy and lower our standard of living and earning prospects through inflation and endless financial bubbles. There will be no recovery from this and unemployment, bankruptcies, and foreclosure will continue to rise for at least the next decade. mrcontinental: It is the FEDs mission to completely destroy the american Permalink  | Share it photo dtmfman   11 minutes ago (6:03 AM) 238 Fans which by the way is the DIRECT OPPOSITE of he reason they were created...

http://www­.femuscle.­org/CoolSt­uff/­g dtmfman: which by the way is the DIRECT OPPOSITE of he Permalink  | Share it photo toomany   2 hours ago (3:48 AM) 28 Fans The headline say that bernankes credability could be on the line...., wow, talk about walking through life with shades. He has NO credibility whatsoever since the bailouts, where he played his role as corobber of the USA. toomany: The headline say that bernankes credability could be on the Permalink  | Share it photo giantspaceship   3 hours ago (3:36 AM) 52 Fans The "Fed" is the State sanctioned "Money Mafia" ...wake up America you are being used and played for fools...Ben Bernanke is only the current liar for the Fed ...even the name Federal Reserve is a lie ...its as "federal" as FedEx. Do some home work for your children's sake if you don't care about being "played for fools" yourself.

http://www­.youtube.c­om/watch?v­=cJqM2tFOx­LQ&feature­=player_em­bedded giantspaceship: The "Fed" is the State sanctioned "Money Mafia" ...wake up Permalink  | Share it yappnmutt   3 hours ago (3:28 AM) 188 Fans faced with the same situation the same strategy is employed until the empire ends soon after. burn up the printing presses!

i kinda feel bad for bernanke because he will pay for the sins of his predecessors. yappnmutt: faced with the same situation the same strategy is employed Permalink  | Share it photo giantspaceship   3 hours ago (3:38 AM) 52 Fans he is worth millions ,what about you ? And do you think he feels "bad" for you ? giantspaceship: he is worth millions ,what about you ? And do Permalink  | Share it photo HUFFPOST SUPER USER acudoc   3 hours ago (3:17 AM) 104 Fans One man holds the fate of the economy in his hands?

What kind of a system have we created? Pure insanity reigns, and will continue to reign, until we re-establish an honest, stand-alone money that does not depend for its existence on the assessments of central bankers like Ben Shalom Bernanke. This is truly a pathetic state for a supposedly free democracy.

In fact, we are not free! We are indentured servants to a banking cartel. acudoc: One man holds the fate of the economy in his Permalink  | Share it photo giantspaceship   3 hours ago (3:39 AM) 52 Fans not "one man" ,one private organization ! giantspaceship: not "one man" ,one private organization ! Permalink  | Share it kamakiri001   2 hours ago (4:40 AM) 42 Fans "One man holds the fate of the economy in his hands?"

Yeah...that's f*****n scary!...

The guy can literally make or break fortunes with only a few carefully chosen words in front of a microphone on any given day. kamakiri001: "One man holds the fate of the economy in his Permalink  | Share it photo HUFFPOST SUPER USER Susan Shaffer   20 minutes ago (5:54 AM) 241 Fans Follow i don't have an issue with someone manipulating the market. their job is to work for the government and not for private banking cartel.
you can manipulate the market by increasing or decreasing interest rates. that is the principle job of the federal reserve. making money more or less available. in times of runaway inflation it is better to increase interest rates. when the economy is stagnant then you need to drop them.
The government also has cards to play in the mix so it isn't just his decision or upper echelon bank decision. Susan_Shaffer: i don't have an issue with someone manipulating the market. Permalink  | Share it Raster   3 hours ago (2:59 AM) 57 Fans Sounds like a wild gamble. Falling short would be the worst outcome because then the Fed is out of bullets with the economy farther up the creek without a paddle. That path leads to Great Depression II. Raster: Sounds like a wild gamble. Falling short would be the Permalink  | Share it photo giantspaceship   3 hours ago (3:40 AM) 52 Fans The Fed is the "reason" for the "Great Depression II. " .And you guys just never look under that rock . giantspaceship: The Fed is the "reason" for the "Great Depression II. Permalink  | Share it photo HUFFPOST SUPER USER johnb123   4 hours ago (2:38 AM) 334 Fans Did he have any credibility to begin with? johnb123: Did he have any credibility to begin with? Permalink  | Share it photo toomany   2 hours ago (3:49 AM) 28 Fans No. toomany: No. Permalink  | Share it 4peace   5 minutes ago (6:09 AM) 78 Fans 4peace: Permalink  | Share it photo AnotherMcIntosh   4 hours ago (2:29 AM) 208 Fans "If the efforts succeed, they could finally help bring down the stubbornly high jobless rate."

The actual unemployment rate will not come down as long as American companies are rewarded with tax incentives to ship and maintain manufacturing jobs in foreign countries. AnotherMcIntosh: "If the efforts succeed, they could finally help bring down Permalink  | Share it Raster   3 hours ago (3:02 AM) 57 Fans With the Rebaggers surging, that trend of outsourcing and off-shoring American jobs and manufacturing will get a big boost. Raster: With the Rebaggers surging, that trend of outsourcing and off-shoring Permalink  | Share it photo Nathan Aschbacher   36 minutes ago (5:38 AM) 17 Fans Really? Seems like a wholly bipartisan effort to me. I seem to recall NAFTA being signed into law under Clinton, and Obama is on record as wanting to open more NAFTA-esque agreements with South Korea and a few other countries. Nathan_Aschbacher: Really? Seems like a wholly bipartisan effort to me. I Permalink  | Share it photo sense oar sheep   4 hours ago (2:20 AM) 145 Fans does the federal reserve have credibility?

no, it generates Federal Reserve Notes sense_oar_sheep: does the federal reserve have credibility? no, it generates Federal Permalink  | Share it photo giantspaceship   3 hours ago (3:42 AM) 52 Fans Thats like saying "is the Federal Reserve actually "federal " " ...answer = no ,its a private cabel of banks raping America. Do some research ! giantspaceship: Thats like saying "is the Federal Reserve actually "federal " Permalink  | Share it toron   4 hours ago (2:03 AM) 18 Fans was there any credibility left to begin with; one of the worst for main st but running dog for wall st toron: was there any credibility left to begin with; one of Permalink  | Share it     New comments on this entry — Click to refreshspinnerLoading comments… Loading twitter module... Most Popular on HuffPostcRs%2FP0zP%2FVfRuMLsxGXjntFK7rOk9SAKNPaJNsvyAjzFdVsHgwzOo2TZdxaWOBhSgzJTVS8AIng0jyHYwofGUA%3D%3DUB3x%2FAsXy8c451nZ01oE3WamZHatpjcA9X48ske4w4L3RBw7RJl5LqiqwuXzDdXecUJgKqYTVTcBL%2B728CIRFw%3D%3D1 of 2 Rally To Restore Sanity Attendance CBS: Sanity Rally Attendance OBLITERATED Turnout To Glenn Beck Rally
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